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Qur'an Stories > Abraham's Hajj 613623
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Qur'an Stories > Abraham's Hajj 613623
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
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شكرا Qur'an Stories > Abraham's Hajj 829894
ادارة المنتدي Qur'an Stories > Abraham's Hajj 103798
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 Qur'an Stories > Abraham's Hajj

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
aafia habib
عضو مشارك
عضو مشارك

عدد المساهمات : 25
رصيد نقاط : 5619
رصيد حسابك فى بنك نور : 20
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/07/2009

Qur'an Stories > Abraham's Hajj Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Qur'an Stories > Abraham's Hajj   Qur'an Stories > Abraham's Hajj Icon_minitimeالأحد ديسمبر 27, 2009 3:15 pm

Qur'an Stories > Abraham's Hajj Hajj Hajj type
Tamattu' Hajj
Tamattu` means performing `Umrah during the Hajj season, and on the Day of Tarwiah a pilgrim gets into the state of Ihram for Hajj. Anyone intending to perform a Tamattu`` Hajj should on approaching the Miqat make intention for `Umrah. After fulfilling the Hajj rituals, one should offer a sacrificial animal.
Qiran Hajj
In this type of Hajj, a pilgrim should declare his intention to perform both Hajj and `Umrah together. Only when he throws the Jamrah of Al-`Aqabah, gets his hair shaved or cut that he can put off his Ihram. However, he should offer a sacrificial animal.
Ifrad Hajj
In the Miqat, a pilgrim of Ifrad Hajj declares his intention for Hajj only. He maintains his Ihram up to the Day of Sacrifice. No offering is required from him.

Rituals of `Umrah
In Arabic the word `Umrah is derived from I`timar which means a visit. However, `Umrah technically means paying a visit to Ka`bah, performing Tawaf [Circumambulation] around it, walking between Safa and Marwah seven times. A performer of `Umrah puts off his Ihram by having his hair shaved or cut.
After Abraham (peace be upon him) carried out Allah's command to call all people to go on pilgrimage, Gabriel accompanied him and showed him the hills of Safa and Marwah, and defined for him the boundaries of the Sacred Mosque. Gabriel commanded Abraham to divide these boundaries by a wall.
On the 7th of Dhul-Hijjah, after sunset, Abraham (peace be upon him) delivered a sermon at Mecca. He was standing while his son Ishmael sat down, listening to him. On the next day, they went on foot proclaiming Talbiah (i.e. saying, "O Allah! Here I am at Thy call). Each was carrying a staff to lean on and a waterskin to drink from. So it was called the Day of Tarwiah [Watering]. They went to Mina, and there they performed the Noon, Afternoon, Sunset, Night and Morning Prayers. Abraham and Ishmael stayed at Mina until the sun rose over Mount Thabir, then they went on foot, accompanied by Gabriel, to `Arafah. Gabriel showed them the sites at `Arafah, which Abraham had visited earlier. So Abraham said, "I know this site and I know that site. "So it was called Mount `Arafah [Knowledge].
When the sun set, Gabriel escorted them to a place which is now the site of the Holy Mosque. There Abraham stood up to deliver a short sermon, while Ishmael sat, listening to him. Then, Abraham, along with Ishmael, combined the Noon and Afternoon Prayers. Afterwards, Gabriel led them to the nearby hills, and there they kept praying and supplicating to Allah until the sun set, and its glittering light disappeared from the distant horizon of the arid desert. Then they set out from `Arafah on foot until they reached a place called Juma`. There they stopped, performed Sunset and Night Prayers, and stayed until the break of dawn. Then they went to Quzah.
When the sun was about to rise, they walked along until they reached Muhassir. They hastened their pace until they crossed it, then returned to their normal pace. They threw seven pebbles, which they gathered from Juma`, at the Jamrat Al-`Aqabah. Then they left Mina at dawn to offer a sacrifice and cut their hair. Then they spent some days at Mina to throw the pebbles. There they threw the pebbles every day before noon, riding no animals in their way to or from the throwing place. They returned on the 'Day of Return', and performed Noon Prayer at Al-Abtah. Throughout all these rituals, they were accompanied by Gabriel (peace be upon him).
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مـــدير المنتدى الفنـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــى
مـــدير المنتدى الفنـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــى

عدد المساهمات : 19301
رصيد نقاط : 51900
رصيد حسابك فى بنك نور : 577
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/11/2009
البلد البلد : مصر

بطاقة الشخصية
عـــائلــة نــــــــــور: 50

Qur'an Stories > Abraham's Hajj Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Qur'an Stories > Abraham's Hajj   Qur'an Stories > Abraham's Hajj Icon_minitimeالأربعاء فبراير 24, 2010 8:39 am

Qur'an Stories > Abraham's Hajj 46
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